
How To Spawn A Dragon In Ark

Mod Primal Fear logo.png

Mod Primal Fear.png This article is about content sectional to the modern Central Fear.
This content is only available if the mod is installed on a server or on single player.

Mod Primal Fear Chaos Dragon.png

Chaos Dragon

These values may differ with what you see in-game or written elsewhere. But that is what the dossier says.

Spawn Command

admincheat SpawnDino "Design'/Game/Mods/Primal_Fear_Bosses/Anarchy/Dragon/PFBChaosDragon_Character_BP_Child.PFBChaosDragon_Character_BP_Child'" 500 0 0 35

X mark.svg No


Bosses in the Primal Fright Expansion Mod have a unique way of beingness tamed. In social club to tame bosses from this mod, you first have to fight them, and get their health downwards to 20% or below. In a higher place twenty% the boss does non get torpor. After this, the boss will begin to accept torpor, but volition also enrage, gaining boosts to both its melee and speed. It will too start to glow from a particle around it cogent it is prepare for torpor. From hither yous tin can knock it out past whatever means necessary. One time knocked out, put the corresponding boss tribute on the dominate and wait for it to eat it. It only takes 1 tribute (Do Non Forcefulness FEED)

Base Stats and Growth

Base Speed Sprinting Speed
Wild Tamedane Tamed2 Wild Tamedi Tamed2
Walking 713 713 713 2139 2139 2139 -22
Swimming 4320 4320 4320 N/A N/A North/A -3
Flying 4320 4320 4320 7128 7128 7128 -3


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